a day and the life of a gay boi well at least me
ok so first off hi my name is Robbie and i am a gay single male....intoductions are so formal but kinda funny, really they are i mean i coulda said something diffrent for instance, hi my name is Robbie and i am an alcoholic...... same line i mean really anyone I think who intodices themselves should just staight off the batt do that, saves me the time and trouble of flirting to get it outa ya!
second of all let me see now about that single part...yeah i am, but that is for a number of reasons, i am single because at this time in life I choose to be i sometimes argue with myself about it and the other person in my head normally wins and i choose the wrong type of person and walk right past a prince in shinning armor but yeah and the second reason is that im looking for a relationship, a LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP, I mean ill go online and post it on one of my many Vices on-line, and Im sitting readong other profiles and they ALL say I WANT (or) am LOOKING for a LONGTERM (or) MONOGOMUS Relationship, so I figure SHIT I GOT IT MADE, I go into the chat room that is from the same company with the same people that i just looked at and they message me , they dont say HI My name is _________, its HOW BIG IS YOUR PACKAGE........ DO I LOOK LIKE U.P.S., or SOME HOUSEBOI WITH SOMETHING TO MAIL,...... I DON"T THINK SO. so yeah i am new to this and i will have a picture of me next time i post, whats that you say,what do i do for work, well ill tell you. i am a full time model or atleast trying to be, the contract is signd but you know how it goes. I am also a Waiter or a life gaurd or swimming instructor by trade but taht is when i am working for a normal establishment. I am currently working on getting the final test on my G.E.D really it isn't just that ive already taken the Government test so all i have left is my math but its all good.
Yeah... A really dear friend of mine introdiced me to this site, he even wrote a poem about me in his blog, its not a happy and cheary poem as i thought it would be, but it tells the truth, lets see i am going to explain it a lil and then you can go and read the poem yourself I have just gotten out of a REALLY bad relationship about a month ago, I was happy, but alchohol came into my family or relationship and vilone ensued, I was beat up, and raped...don't get me wrong i got even plenty and good but a part of me died and i left a part of me behind as well that i am trying to this day to get back.....my heart, i never understood why in those movies where the wemon go thru somthing like that and you see them at the end or in the middle somewhere looking out the window , they have a forlorn or meloncoly look on there face that seems so close to death and sadness that you feel it as well... I now know why they have that look. its because it hurts so bad to be away from something that you have worked for and fought for to make work, the time wasted or at least it seems like its waisted. the way you feel like you have no heart because its with him. blah i sound so FUCKN SAPPY, but its true and thats how i describe it. I feel like I have left a peice of myself behind. so here is the link www.dirtylittlehomos.blogspot.com
or somthing like that you get the drift if i have it wrong i will come in and fix it my comp crashed and i saved it in a half ass way cause its not my computer but i wanted to have it on hand well i lost it when the comp crashed go figure.
well any way enuf of this my favorite things to do let me tell you
i mean if you wanna do something with me ill do anything but yeah i like these things alot.
I have a alot of people i know but only a few i call friends, i made a few in portland these past couple of weeks, my freind JORDAN PINK the current reigning RoseBud in the portland area, she is a beautiful Drag Queen and one hell of a HOT guy, and to think i thougt you had to be tall to be hot this gurl can but on a potato sack and still look lickable, also.. my friend EggRoll, he Is Running for Thorn, a cute lil aisan boi and i don't go for asian bois that much but this one is cute he even has frekals hehe
also i managed to get a boifreind while i was up here i cut it off or am cutting it off haha because i have to go back to boise.. that is where i am from, but i don't do the long distance thing to well and portland to boise isn't exactly a lil drive down the Road, you know what im sayin
I also have another friend her Name is ABBY, and let me tell you THIS VENUS WITH A PENIS/ CHICK WITH A DICK..hold on its not a heshe its another drag queen but she will rock your world when it comes to being made to feel welcome and treated like gold when others wont even say hi to you and she is oh so talented when it comes to the youth in this area.
I also met a hot lil 15 year old and I felt real dirty dancing with him at the club cause i coulda takin him home but im 18 and i know better but i am kinda naughty when it comes to doing what i want i I REALLY WANTED to..but i didn't iwas a good boi for once. but don't spread that out to much ok. and let me tell you he can dance mmmmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. so enuf about me or atleast for now ttyl CHAIO BELLO
second of all let me see now about that single part...yeah i am, but that is for a number of reasons, i am single because at this time in life I choose to be i sometimes argue with myself about it and the other person in my head normally wins and i choose the wrong type of person and walk right past a prince in shinning armor but yeah and the second reason is that im looking for a relationship, a LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP, I mean ill go online and post it on one of my many Vices on-line, and Im sitting readong other profiles and they ALL say I WANT (or) am LOOKING for a LONGTERM (or) MONOGOMUS Relationship, so I figure SHIT I GOT IT MADE, I go into the chat room that is from the same company with the same people that i just looked at and they message me , they dont say HI My name is _________, its HOW BIG IS YOUR PACKAGE........ DO I LOOK LIKE U.P.S., or SOME HOUSEBOI WITH SOMETHING TO MAIL,...... I DON"T THINK SO. so yeah i am new to this and i will have a picture of me next time i post, whats that you say,what do i do for work, well ill tell you. i am a full time model or atleast trying to be, the contract is signd but you know how it goes. I am also a Waiter or a life gaurd or swimming instructor by trade but taht is when i am working for a normal establishment. I am currently working on getting the final test on my G.E.D really it isn't just that ive already taken the Government test so all i have left is my math but its all good.
Yeah... A really dear friend of mine introdiced me to this site, he even wrote a poem about me in his blog, its not a happy and cheary poem as i thought it would be, but it tells the truth, lets see i am going to explain it a lil and then you can go and read the poem yourself I have just gotten out of a REALLY bad relationship about a month ago, I was happy, but alchohol came into my family or relationship and vilone ensued, I was beat up, and raped...don't get me wrong i got even plenty and good but a part of me died and i left a part of me behind as well that i am trying to this day to get back.....my heart, i never understood why in those movies where the wemon go thru somthing like that and you see them at the end or in the middle somewhere looking out the window , they have a forlorn or meloncoly look on there face that seems so close to death and sadness that you feel it as well... I now know why they have that look. its because it hurts so bad to be away from something that you have worked for and fought for to make work, the time wasted or at least it seems like its waisted. the way you feel like you have no heart because its with him. blah i sound so FUCKN SAPPY, but its true and thats how i describe it. I feel like I have left a peice of myself behind. so here is the link www.dirtylittlehomos.blogspot.com
or somthing like that you get the drift if i have it wrong i will come in and fix it my comp crashed and i saved it in a half ass way cause its not my computer but i wanted to have it on hand well i lost it when the comp crashed go figure.
well any way enuf of this my favorite things to do let me tell you
i mean if you wanna do something with me ill do anything but yeah i like these things alot.
I have a alot of people i know but only a few i call friends, i made a few in portland these past couple of weeks, my freind JORDAN PINK the current reigning RoseBud in the portland area, she is a beautiful Drag Queen and one hell of a HOT guy, and to think i thougt you had to be tall to be hot this gurl can but on a potato sack and still look lickable, also.. my friend EggRoll, he Is Running for Thorn, a cute lil aisan boi and i don't go for asian bois that much but this one is cute he even has frekals hehe
also i managed to get a boifreind while i was up here i cut it off or am cutting it off haha because i have to go back to boise.. that is where i am from, but i don't do the long distance thing to well and portland to boise isn't exactly a lil drive down the Road, you know what im sayin
I also have another friend her Name is ABBY, and let me tell you THIS VENUS WITH A PENIS/ CHICK WITH A DICK..hold on its not a heshe its another drag queen but she will rock your world when it comes to being made to feel welcome and treated like gold when others wont even say hi to you and she is oh so talented when it comes to the youth in this area.
I also met a hot lil 15 year old and I felt real dirty dancing with him at the club cause i coulda takin him home but im 18 and i know better but i am kinda naughty when it comes to doing what i want i I REALLY WANTED to..but i didn't iwas a good boi for once. but don't spread that out to much ok. and let me tell you he can dance mmmmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. so enuf about me or atleast for now ttyl CHAIO BELLO
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