Thursday, November 24, 2005

Before I Fall In Love

My heart, says we got something can I trust the way i feel, cause my heart has been fooled before, am I justseeing what I want to see, or is it true could you be someone to have and hold with all my heart and soul, I need to know before I fall in love, someone who stays around thru all my ups and downs please tell me now before I fall in love.....
I'm att he point of no return so affraid of getting burned but i want to take a chance oh please give me a reason to belive, say your the one that youll always be someone to have and hold, with all my heart and soul I need to know before I fall in love, someone who stays around thru all my ups and downs please tell me now before I fall in love, its been so hard for me to give my heart away but I would give my everything just to hear you say that you are that someone to have and hold with all my heart and soul I need to know before I fall in love, someone who stays around thru all my ups and down, please tell me now before I fall..In love.....

Now that isn't something I wrote, that song is by miss mandy moore.

but I am going to for shure, play this as a huge signal to the guy that wins my heart, kinda like a huge push in the right direction lol, cause I mean guys these days I am finding oout are really THICK HEADED.
I don't know, yeah this time I am going to think twice and three times about dateing, cause I mean lets face it I have had ALOT of FLINGS in my past, and A few BAD BOY FREINDS, lol
but I don't know, Im such a fickle, daydreamer that is so damm ditzy at times that it pisses me off at me sometimes. cause I think of all the things I want to do or say, and show to people that I am interested in and I get all worked up and then come to find out I have overwhelmed them or maybe even givin out the wrong impression, and thats not the message I want or should be conveying to anyone. I am just so affraid that I am going to be the one that is going to have a hard time saying that I am in love with someone, affraid of the cleshae, with the commitee in my head saying GET A GRIP ROBBIE!!!
and then having me run away from the right guy,
you know the scenario, o i love you robbie, NO CHANCE NO WAY, YOUR WAY OFF BASE!!!
the scene won't play and me miss out!!
lol and then have all my freinds be on my case cause im not admiting to it, when in my head ill be saying yeah..I am in love.
its so esy for me to relay emotion at times, but Im getting sick of doing it, its either my mind leading me into something, or worse yet my heart, DAMM the heart is a terrible thing at times, its so bold so free and so untammed, but I need to fit it for shakels at times i think, Yeah I am happy with me, I am making strides everyday to become better and better in my own mind and my self esteem is getting up there but shit, what is going to happen? does anyone really know, no w I am rambeling but its ok cause thisthing to anyone or any type of situation so I can't get in trouble for it hehehe, I know you, I danced with you once upon a dream, The gleam in your eyes is familiar to me and I know its true the Visions I seldom all but see, I know what youll do youll love me at once the way you did once upon a dream lol I am so pathetic lol A hopeless romantic trying to change into a hopefull one what a sad state i am in lol SOS


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