Sunday, July 31, 2005


Fred is now my co-writter so lets see what we can do....
We are sitting here mulling over idea's settings and other things so the audieance can be there with us as we tell this story, We started off on one of our storie about old chicaco, But I told fred that we needed interaction with the waiters or some part of the staff so we went from that to talking about content and how we would tell the story cause I mean I cant say that we where out in PUBLIC Stoned off our rockers and that is where we people watch and tear them apart peice by peoce, I mean come on people we don't want to be kicked out of a club before we get into a skit now do we?


Now one aspect of this story is comming from me, so let me paint my picture,
Fred the guy I was dating at the time, and Fred: All of us went to the Golden Correl
Now I had Just set down at the tabel, I had a salad and I wasn't payin attention like normal i was diggin in to my nice green plate of Rabbit food at the time.
And Fred, Like Normal is contantly scanning the room for a chance to say something about someone that might spark some instant of laughter and reaction of of a group of people it is entertaining to say the least.
But fred says O my GOD Ben Franklin is in here. I turn around to look and what do I see?
A androgyenous person that looks like ben franklin but has some traits of a woman and it had to be in its late 60's and It looked like it had wooden teeth that where cracked in the middle and speaking of things in the middle its hair was parted in the middle as well and had round black glasses on its face!!
I laughed my ass off and agreed, but the bad thing was that the tabel right next to us was a young family starting out in there 20's with two very young kids and they craked up too it was hillarious.
for freds version.....
I just sat down from retriving my plate from the dinner line, what I saw This little lady who had white hair parted down the middle, with obviously false teeth round black glasses, And she reminded me of ben franklinIn Fact before thinking that is exactly what I blurted out loud my freind laughed the tabel next to us laughed..thats what happend.
so for the next topic
A Queens Beauty Tips 101:
Learning Can be stimulating to more then the brain:

This skit is about testing your gaydar:
For Instance, Body type and language, Picutre this a Punk or Skater Boy, well.. when it comes to these boys and being in a general classification there is no such thing because no matter how you look at it they all dress neat and tidy in my perspective a skater is one that will go to bed and simply pass out on the bed and wake up and go in the same clothes that he wore the day before his hair is desheveld and he reaks of pot, Smoke and alcohol. a gay man would insist on going to bed after a shower no matter how tierd he was, he would also insist on going to bed either in the nude or in boxers, I don't know of many gay men that wear whities. they would also make shure that the clothes were in either the dirty clothes hamper for morning laundry sense no gay man likes dirty clothes and he always likes his wardrobe to be at maximum for optimum combonations, either that or we would go ahead and wash them and throw them in the dryer the next moring so they would be done by the time he got done with his moring shower which lasts about as it takes for the dryer to dry the clothes.
But enuf about that i am going to bed ill talk to yall later


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