Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I gotta Voice that Carries

ok so wrath is one of the seven deadly sins that a person can commit, if that be the case then I have commited this sin, over and over and over thru out my day.
I went to portland, as you all know well I told a freind of mine to deposit the check,
now keep in mind that all you need these days in order to deposit money in to a persons account is a name, you don't even need the acc. number. Well he said that he needed my routing numbers and all that shit in order to even deposit the money, I went down this morning all prepaird to chew someones ass out and not litteraly mind you but come to find out that he oly went to the bank after I gave him the routing number, and by then i was already in the hole so to speak, this all could have been prevented if someone would have taken the time out of his day of smoking pot and doing light maintenence at the stupid retirement communitee that he works at, and would have listend to me and then it would have been just fine and dandy but as it is im 5'8 only 19 what do I know...I guess we have come to find out that I do know how to do my banking just that there are some people out there if you want to call them people, I would much prefer to call them Idiots, but then again depending on who you are it might seem like a derogotory name to use, so anyways, the wrath comes into play once I get the bank issue settled, I am going to make the fucker loose his job and thats that, you can't have a manager of a retirement coimmunitee smoking dope, espechially when he is bonded, who knows what he might do under the influence and with a master key to the entire buliding including the privetly ownd condos in the building?, someone needs to feel obligated enuf to report such behavior, and I think I do!!
anyway yeah I am vengful, But what can I say, someone has fucked with my freedoms, they have fucked with my life and most of all they jepordisd a good trip, with one of the best people I know, who I happen to care alot about and thats just not cool with me, anyway let me fill you in on what else is going on, so far I have managed to have a stomach ach the entire day I think it is from stress, and I have managed to go another day without smoking, yesterday I had ONE so I am doing well with that.
I am going to try and write another skit so here i go.....

Ok I have this Problem with the gay men of today, what I mean is this
I am the type of person that will show affection to a person freely no questions asked, yeah I get more affectionate as time goes on, but there are people out there that really don't like affection, and yet I hear so much that all they want is someone that will show them affection and thatwill except them freely, HELLO WHAT AM I DOING HERE!!! its like you don't appreciate the kind of affection that I am giving you which is wholesome and it really has meaning but what you want and what I am giving isn't meshing, what are you lookingt for can you tell me...TIME SAVER HELLO!!
Another thing I don't understand is why if you meet someone, why do they sometimes tell you that you have to be approved by there freinds?? what in gods green earth do they have to do with me dating the guy? I refuse to be intimidated by anyone blood related or not.I mean Yeah you date or marry someone you automaticly have new family but thats a diffrent scenario, but back to my point Its just as if they are telling you I will not date you unless my freinds want to date you, HELLO!! wake up and smell the roses, you don't want your freinds thinking I am dateable material, they will be finding every excuse to make your life a living hell in order to get to me, and eventually breaking us/ you two apart, now what kind of dipshit can't understand that lol talk about unessesary drama. but ON THE OTHER HAND, They might thenk that you are a quality person and they might encourage you to to date there friend, that is why when you meet these people you keep your trap shut untill you have made a proper annalysis of the situation then open up how you want to. but never be affraid, lol fear is something anyone can smell and its like BO, another reason to carry cologne with you. lol
another thing is this, Portland people are not timmid people I was walking along one of the streets and mind you this is my first night up there and I got stopped by this one guy who asked for a ciggerete, ok so i can handle that what i can't handle is the fact that he said that he had a pretty cock and he would love to see how pretty my ass looks with it in it, ok EWWW, no sorry number one Im up here to see a guy I have been falling for for about a year, second of all you need a shower, and third clamidia is not a flower.
anyway i am out this skit isn't done but its a good start


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