Monday, July 11, 2005

A Turn Of Events

I Have Come To A Turning Point in my life as not only a person, but also as an individual.
I really don't know what is going on, but in the same sense I do, I was origonally going to portland on just another mindless whim, but on the plane Ride here something Happend, Like I said I don't know what happend, but whatever it is I am enjoying it.
Im not accustomed to certain things, I am not accustomed to looking at the sky just as a random example and actually feeling at peace, when the wind starts to stir and whispers in my ear, and tells me things that I need to hear.
I thought I had Life Figured out, and..For Some Reason I am finding out that I don't.
I Am up here visiting a friend of mine. his name is Phillip, and I know that I have never mentiond him before on screen, But now I am.
Anyway This is my third day here, And I am having the time of my life, I have never Been on a trip where I can actually somewhat support myself, yeah there are a few things that I can't do lol but thats cause I chose a poor time in the pay period to come up, but I guess thats just me, I have planned comming up here for months and I don't ever change my mind, so hear I am Sitting in an apartment that ive only been in three days and With each passing moment I know that when I look back on this trip It will have much more then meaning to me, it will have feeling as well.
I am going to erase some of my entries that are in these online pages, Because they don't mean anything. I have come to respect that, and realize that It was/ They Where stepping stones in my life, And I needed to grow, and growth is what has happend, I don't find myself drowning in this swimming pool called life, I don't see myself grabbing onto everything or anyone because i am to scared to swim on my own. I am swimming just fine, I even managed to find a few freinds on the way. and they are very close to my heart, and the sad thing is that they have always been there, I've just never seen them because of the constant and unessesary struggle that I have been putting myself thru. take for instance Fred, I met fred Two years ago, He gave me a place to go when I had no other Place to go, He gave me embrace when there was no warmth, even in the heat of the summer sun.
mike and steve, gave me the second chance at life that I needed... Freindship, compassion, and strentgh.
ben..has givin me advice, a light in the dark and knowlage.
And sense I am here and have it on my mind, I will give this credit where it should be placed, beacuse it is due, Phillip has taught me paitence, not only that but that it has its rewards, but also that it can be bitter sweet.
all these people that I mentiond, espechially the first three just for the simple fact is that I see them every day, all have givin me the same things, in one way or another, even heartache.. but on that note its time to go hop in the shower and go have dinner so i will get back and finish this blog because I feel compelled to do so anyway ill talk to you later


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