Thursday, August 26, 2004


SO I am back in iaho.. to my PDX readers, i am sorry I didn't say goodbye, i hate saying goodbye, besides i am there enuf that i might as well live there youll see me again shortly.
So after the initiall shock of i am on my way home to idaho hit, when i got to ontario, I took a few hits of cronick, not enuf to ruin my day, but enuf to relax me, i hate fuckin idaho, but at the same time i love it, i am like scarlett O hara in a sense i think, no matter how far i get from home...I always come back, it has a healing quality to it and for that i am truly thankful. went to the therypst today for counsling, for what happend on the fourth of july.... and He is willing to help me. I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING...this guy is damaged goods, and let me tell you something, stuff like tht only adds charecter, if you can't laugh or cry your way thru something and smile a lil afterwords how in the hell do you live? seriously!
Any way let me tell you about my buss trip back here you wil be amused i am shure, so yeah i know this gurl in boise, well i boreed the buss in pdx, i unknowingly spent the whole time talkin to her sister and she is such a sweet heart i don't know what the trip woulda been like without her, i also met this nice black lezbian, and she rocked as well, her lover of 14 years had a drug problem and she decided to call it quits, i felt like saying good for you, but i mean i wish i was still on this buss with these people conversation was so good and i didn't feel bored or anything they took care of me and i them. i even saw my lil friend yesterday night at the flying M! I WAS SO EXCITED.
But yeah,...huh... whats that?
why what
why did i not stay in pdx for amature night or the bitch contest.....?
ok so i left, my roomate was havin some emotional problems, you know living with your ex and still expecting him to put out can be a hassel i know but i think it just didn't pan out when he was trying to date antoher guy and he told me I AM DIONG IT TO GET EVEN WITH YOU, CAN YOU SAY SCUM OF DA EARTH , no you don't do that if you have someones heart on the line, i can understand revenge sex, but my best friend is a gurl, so he didn't want to do that and yeah she is in boise so it don't make any sense.. I mean if you get any logic out of that then please post this, that way WE INCLUDING ME can understand.

Anyway, so yeah ummm what else do i write. well i think that is about it for now, i decided that I am going to change, no more putting up with unessesary BULLSHIT. i am sick of it the guys in idaho are almost as as bad as some in pdx, seriously up there they are known as abf clones here they are ZOMBIES.but yeah no more bs, i am going to be me, say what i am thinking and not care, i can be nice, but what is the point of talking to a brick wall if it has loose bricks that fall on your head i know that don't make sense but it does to me, CHAIO BELLO


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