Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Interesting night

I have decided I am just fine on my own. I made big steps this evening to remove some of the stress in my life. I feel better. no more heartache, no more dissapointment in myself or someone else. YAY FOR ME!!!! had some worthless player on my case and I chased after it like the fool wanted me to. to invest feelings and thought and consideration...from me. anyone who knows me how much work that takes on my part. oh well i got the wart removed and thats what matters. I will now be working soley on my carrear. I have started my writting. I have taken steps to arrange a meeting with the manager at one of the clubs in town that does comedy to start preforming again. I have also started to work on going on the road as well as a long term goal. YAY FOR ME..again!!
I just hope that no matter what happens I can keep this motivation. been hard as of late supporting a house hold where there is one income and three people. I am very proud of myself for making that work. I am also working on getting my diploma. I have sent for the enrolment paperwork. so that is what is going on in my life.