Average Everyday Sane Psyco!!
I am just sitting here after a ten hour work day that was long and fun, its very rarely that I can compare sex to work I know but still it was fun!!
Anyway I had to be at woke this morning at 7:30 and I was on time for once, normally if I am scedualed for a morning shift I am late, but this time I was on time, I had to listen to a modivation speaker who was really good at speaking, but I hate to say this but He was more humerous then anything. and all I can truly say about the experiance is that I am truly entertaining when I am put on the spot....My tabel decided that I should define the meaning of being personable, anyway the speaker and I had some fun, I don't think he was amuzed by any means but the rest of the room was laughing at what I had to say about being personable cause he was talking about this thing its an accronym, PRIDE
lol My answer to his question and he wasn't to clear on what he wanted to begin with but my answer was that being personable had something to do with all the things that Pride coverd
anyway he was wanting some sort of conversation that clearly had me being personable, and I was being personable to ann extent most the time i was just grabbing things out of my ass that I thought sounded right and most of them were right its just i didn't volonteer for the question
my table mates raised my hand for me.
any way needless to say i faked it till i could make it, and yes wen i heard that my mind went straight to the gutter.
I mean come on, Everyone knows what that is about@!!!!
Anyways what else, I moved back home to my mom and dads house, I have had a nasty staph infection for the last 4 months that isn't getting any better and I decided that if I wanted any help I would have to go home where my parents could keep an eye on me and see what was going on, not only to understand just how things are going in my life, but to maybe also let them get used to the idea of me being gay. On that note I would like to say that My mom has been informd of my lack of viginity lol, She took it quite well, and the only thing that I didn't tell her was that I Am kinda seeing someone, what I mean by that is that I am interested in Phillip.
And sense Phillip has the house number and all my contact Info I am shure that she will be putting two and two together for herself as it is, I just wish we would call me so that I can talk to him, but the boi is so busy with school and his extra caricular stuff that I don't hold my breath to much cause I know he is BUSY!! I know that If I really needed to talk to him all i would have to do is say so, and he would call.
Anyway what else is going on?.......Nothing lol so This is where I say goodbye till next time my dear readers.
Chaio Bello~